Saturday, November 28, 2020

Comfy Cozy Day

 For our second banana bingo celebration, the students voted on Comfy Cozy Day.  The students wore comfy clothes and brought in blankets and stuffed animals to make their learning more cozy throughout the day.  It was a perfect way to go into our nice Thanksgiving break.  I hope everyone has been able to enjoy time with family over this break.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

We are Thankful!

 In the last few days the students have worked on writing to share why they are thankful for their families.  They brainstormed the sweetest ideas.  "I am thankful for you because you are kind.  Thank you for taking care of me.  Thank you for helping me.  Thank you for making me my favorite meals.  Thank you for playing with me."  Then they made the cutest turkeys to go with their writing.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving 2nd grade families!

Snowy Day Fun!

 The students had so much fun playing at their morning recess in the freshly fallen snow!  I had to snap a few pictures of them!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Learning about SeeSaw

 In the last few weeks we have all been learning about using SeeSaw in our classroom.  The students have learned how to complete activities, use the microphone to record their answers, and most recently take a picture of their work to upload to their journal.  Last Friday the students completed a fraction activity around the room and then used their ipads to take a picture for their SeeSaw journal.  This is exciting to have new and different ways to show and share our learning!  It's always great to get out of our seats to do our learning and incorporating technology is fun too!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Thank You to our Veterans

 On Veteran's Day we honored our veterans by discussing how thankful we are for their service.  Many students said they have family members that have served our country.  We made cards to say thank you.  Some students brought them home to send to a family member or friend, and the rest of the cards will be sent out to active duty soldiers.  This year we weren't able to gather for a Veteran's Day service, but we still made sure to think of our veterans and send them thanks for all they have done for our country!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Crankenstein Writing

 Our Crankenstein book has been assembled for the students to enjoy on the rug.  This writing went along with our Crankenstein art project.  The students picked a topic about what makes them cranky.  We then used a bubble map to expand our ideas.  The next step was to put the ideas into complete sentences.  The students highlighted the capital letters at the beginning of each sentence and the end marks to double check their work before signing up to conference with me.  Once we looked it over together, the students wrote a final copy for our class book.  It's so fun to see the students gather together on the rug to enjoy each other's writing.

Making Math Graphs

 The students have been learning about graphs all year.  Last week each student came up with a graph topic, asked classmates for their responses, recorded the responses in a tally chart, and made a bar graph for the information gathered.  These activities are always so fun when the students can be up and out of their seats and applying their math skills at the same time!

Awesome Adjectives

 We have been learning about adjectives and using them to describe different characters in our reading.  Last week we used adjectives to describe ourselves.  The students came up with descriptive adjectives such as smart, kind, hard working, responsible, and helpful.  These adjectives perfectly describe the students in this class of wonderful kids!